Enticing the Dragon Read online

Page 15

  “There is a hierarchy of magic, and at each stage the practitioners can be male or female,” Torque explained. “Witches can learn their magic, or they can inherit it. The most powerful are those who use a combination of both. Their spells are low-level. Love potions, healing, finding lost pets...that sort of thing. Although they can also turn their hand to darker spells like relationship breakups and spoiling crops. The next step up is to wizardry. Wizards combine alchemy with witchcraft, exploiting science and mathematics to create magical potions. The final stage, having mastered wizardry, is sorcery.”

  “Let me guess.” Figuring she wasn’t going to like what she was about to hear, Hollie took a slug of her drink. “They are the rock stars of the magic world?”

  “Oh, yes. They make Beast look like amateurs. Sorcerers must progress through the ranks, but they must also have magical parentage. Once they reach that level they are more or less all-powerful, within certain limits. They can act as a force for good or evil, but their magic must have a target.”

  “So, when Teine decided she wanted to kill your families, she had to come up with a spell that was aimed specifically at them?”

  “Yes. She can’t fly, or make herself invisible, and she doesn’t have superhuman strength. So Alban is right. If Teine is the Incinerator, she would have to physically be in the place where the fires took place. She would have to get close to the building to focus her magic on it. If she traveled back and forth each time she started a fire, she would do it as a mortal, on an airplane, in a car or by whatever means necessary. Which means she must have a human identity.”

  Hollie’s two worlds were colliding and nothing was making any sense. She could understand why Torque and Alban would believe Teine, if she was still alive, was behind the fires. They had been raised in a sphere where magic was the ruling force. The supernatural was normal to them and the evil sorceress had ruled over their whole existence. When anything bad happened, it must be natural for them to suspect she was behind it.

  But Hollie came from a different place. Her world was one of logic. She had studied for years to gain an understanding of science and technology. She needed facts, data and hard, cold evidence. And after hunting the Incinerator for four years, she knew what she was looking for.

  “What you are saying doesn’t fit with the way the Incinerator operates. He—” Hollie still couldn’t think of the arsonist as a woman “—sets the fires himself. He’s what we call a professional. By that we mean he keeps it simple and he prefers to use fuels he finds at the scene. That way, he minimizes the risk of being caught. So, he takes trash he finds at the scene and piles it up. Then he uses copier toner to light it. If he can’t find any toner, he raids the janitor’s store and searches for another accelerant. He knows what will work. Paint, glue, mop cleaner, uncured polyester resin, brush cleaner... He’s used all of those things.” She frowned. “If Teine could stand within sight of a building and cast a spell on it to set it alight, why would she go to all that trouble?”

  “Hollie has a point.” Alban tilted his glass toward Torque.

  “But that message is from Teine.” Torque’s tone was insistent. “Has to be.”

  They lapsed into silence as they finished their drinks. “You know what we need?” Alban asked.

  “A crystal ball?” It was hard to tell if Torque was joking.

  “The next best thing.”

  “Dinner at Kirsty McDougall’s?”

  “Och, that’s mighty nice of you.” Alban’s eyes twinkled appreciatively. “I’ll fetch my coat.”

  * * *

  Kirsty McDougall’s was an unashamedly traditional Scots restaurant located in the heart of Inverness. Serving dishes such as clootie dumplings, rumbledethumps, Arbroath smokies and cranachan, it was popular with locals and tourists alike. It was one of the places Torque had missed most while he was away. As soon as he walked through the door, the smell that met him made him feel at home.

  Alban was greeted with a hug from a short, plump woman with a broad accent. “It’s about time. I’ve no seen you for at least a month.” She looked beyond him to Torque, and her hand went up to cover her mouth. “Is it yourself indeed?”

  “It really is, Kirsty.” As he stooped to kiss her cheek, she punched him so hard in the shoulder he went staggering back.

  “Aye, you may well look shocked.” She placed her hands on her hips. “Think you can forget me for all these years, then stroll back in and expect a warm welcome?” After glaring at him for a moment or two, she burst out laughing and embraced him. “Och, I cannae stay mad at you for long. It’s a sight for sore eyes you are.”

  She ushered them to a table, talking constantly and eyeing Hollie with interest. When Kirsty bustled away to fetch drinks, Hollie leaned close to Torque. “Is she...?”

  “Witch.” He nodded. “Harmless.” He rubbed his shoulder. “Mostly.”

  Kirsty returned with the inevitable bottle of whiskey and four glasses. She took a seat next to Alban. “I’ve told them in the kitchen you’ll be having haggis, neeps and tatties.”

  Hollie looked slightly alarmed. “Haggis with turnips and potatoes,” Torque said. She didn’t appear even slightly reassured by his explanation. “It’s a national dish.”

  “Tell me why you’re here,” Kirsty said. They were seated in a booth, slightly apart from the other diners, where they were able to talk without being overheard.

  “We wondered if you’d heard anything about the fiery one,” Torque said.

  Kirsty’s pleasant face instantly twisted into an expression of distaste. “We’re about to eat.”

  “Is there any chance she’s still alive?” Torque persisted.

  “I’ll tell you what this is.” Kirsty spoke directly to Hollie. “This is a dragon plot to spoil my peaceful existence. You didn’t know what it was like when she was alive. None of us knew what she’d be about next. It was all about Teine. All that mattered was what she wanted...and if she didn’t get it? Hoo! Stand by for fireworks. I’ve a touch of the third eye myself. It’s a mere fraction of Teine’s skill for seeing the future. And I try to use it for good, whereas she used her mighty gift for personal gain.” She pointed a finger at Torque. “Do I think she’s still alive? No. And I’ll tell you for why. Because my teeth dinnae ache when I say her name.”

  “Seems pretty conclusive to me. Kirsty knows everything that goes on in the Highlands.” Alban raised his glass in a toast. “I suggest we eat.”

  Torque reluctantly agreed. He still wasn’t convinced. Ever since he’d seen that email, he’d been sure Teine had somehow survived the fall and was determined to get back at him. It made a strange kind of sense. Although Teine had believed she loved him, Torque didn’t think the sorceress was capable of love. What she felt for him was more like ownership. When her toy dragon hadn’t done what she wanted and returned her feelings, she’d been incensed. Her revenge had been all-consuming.

  Even so, watching him from afar, burning buildings in towns he’d visited...it wasn’t quite Teine’s style. If she was going to turn into an evil stalker, she would be more hands-on. But who knew what might be going on in her twisted mind? She could have decided on a change in approach just to be infuriating. She could take her time. Like him, Teine was immortal.

  The dramatic change in pace and approach when Torque met Hollie definitely suggested Teine was the arsonist. Seeing him with another woman would have sent her into a frenzy. There was no way she’d tolerate that. He almost laughed out loud. Tolerate? He was surprised they weren’t both a pile of ashes already, consumed in the fire of her jealous rage.

  And maybe that was another reason to believe Teine wasn’t the Incinerator. Could she have learned restraint since he’d watched her plummet off a mountain in a ball of flame? He didn’t think Teine was capable of learning. She just was...or had once been. The frown between his eyes as he tried to think it all through was making his head a

  Instead of trying to unravel the mystery that might not even exist, he turned his attention to the more enjoyable task of watching Hollie. He was instantly soothed. No matter what else was happening, he would always rather be watching Hollie. The food had arrived and she was viewing the haggis on her plate with suspicion. A corner of his mouth quirked up.

  “It’s a traditional sausage made from lamb’s liver, lungs and heart mixed with oatmeal, onion, suet and seasoning.” His grin widened. “All stuffed into a casing made from a sheep’s stomach.”

  “Yum.” She gave him a challenging look. “I flew here on the back of a dragon, Torque. You think you can scare me with a sausage?”

  “Is that the whiskey talking?”

  “Possibly.” She started eating. “It’s actually really good. Where are we sleeping tonight? Tell me it’s not in a cave.”

  “Och, lassie. Dinnae fatch.” Kirsty waved her fork at her. “You’ll stay in my spare room, of course.”

  As they ate, Torque was content to listen while Alban and Kirsty talked of people and places he knew. It seemed the thriving paranormal community that lived alongside the humans was having some problems. He hadn’t realized until now how much he’d missed his Highland home, hadn’t understood what that ache in his heart was all about. He’d believed he had to stay away because the memories were too painful. After Ged had freed him from his captivity, he hadn’t wanted to see the familiar faces and places. At that time, all he’d wanted to do was get as far away as he could and stay away forever.

  Guilt and sorrow had been twin demons gnawing on his heart. He had blamed himself for the annihilation of his clan. If he’d handled Teine differently, been able to predict her reaction, even pretended to love her... No matter how hard he tried, he had never been able to shake off the feeling that he could have—should have—done more. Burying himself in his new life, reinventing himself as a rock star, had helped, but it had never driven away the anguish.

  Now that he was here, he could acknowledge the truth. He had been desperately homesick all that time. Although he had tried to suppress the cravings, they had never gone away. This was his land. These Highlands owned him and they would never let him go. Torque didn’t want them to. He was stronger when he was here.

  His attention was drawn back to Kirsty, who was tapping on the table with her fingertip to make a point. “It’s become an epidemic.”

  “What has?” Clearly, whatever they were discussing was serious.

  “Och, it’s the strangest thing,” Kirsty said. “When it first started, it was barely noticeable, so no one talked about it to their friends because they thought it was just them. Then, gradually, it got worse. People started sharing their stories and we realized it was affecting more and more people. Now it seems the whole paranormal community is afflicted by insomnia.”

  Torque sat up straighter. “What?”

  “Aye.” Alban nodded. “Every single one of us. No matter what we try, we cannae sleep. What do you think it is?”

  “I think it’s the final proof we need that Teine is alive.” Torque dashed off the last of his whiskey. “She’s cast her trademark insomnia spell on all of you.”

  Chapter 13

  Kirsty’s spare room was small and cozy, but the only things that interested Hollie were the wood-burning stove and the double bed.

  “So tired,” she said as she kicked off her boots and held out her hands toward the warmth.

  “Really?” Torque came close, running his hands through her hair. “How tired?”

  When he kissed her, the world fell away. It was soft and slow, soothing her in a way she hadn’t known she needed. More than words could ever have done, the touch of his lips drove away the strangeness of everything that had happened. His hand rested below her ear, his thumb tracing her jawline as their breaths mingled. She slid her hands beneath his sweater and around his back, pulling him closer, wanting no space between them, needing to feel his heart beating against hers.

  “Maybe not that tired.”

  His mouth moved to her neck, his stubble rasping deliciously over her skin. Soft kisses, sighing breaths, tiny nibbles...each one had her squirming with delight. Then he kissed her lips again, demanding more this time. Like he couldn’t get enough. She couldn’t get enough.

  “Clothes off,” she murmured. “At least it’s warmer in here than the rest of your homeland.”

  When they were naked, Torque’s mouth was on her flesh again, tracing a line from her collarbone to her breasts. His hands slid down her spine as he pulled her close, letting her feel his erection. Lost in sensation, she writhed against him. Swinging her into his arms, he carried her the short distance to the bed.

  “It’s been a long day, we’ll go slow.”

  “Slow sounds like heaven.”

  Placing her down gently, he turned her onto her side, spooning his body tight against hers. His chest hair was warm and rough on her bare back, his lips igniting fires over her neck and shoulders. Hollie held his arm and tucked it across her waist, twisting her head to reach his lips.

  He stroked his hand down her side, idly circling his fingers on the sensitive skin of her hip as he kissed her bare shoulder. Soft sighs left her lips as his touch soothed away thoughts of everything except here and now. Torque kissed along her back, his hand cupping her right breast and circling the nipple with his finger, making the flesh harden into a peak. “Lift your leg.”

  As she raised her thigh to her chest, opening herself to his touch, Torque cupped her buttock, kneading the firm flesh. Lowering his hand, he ran a finger down her cleft, and her muscles twitched in anticipation. Circling her wetness with his finger, he applied more pressure each time he pushed against her entrance. Not entering, just teasing.

  “Please...” Her breath hitched as she writhed against him, impatiently pressing into his hand.

  Torque obliged by slipping a finger inside her, stroking softly. He pulled out slowly, then pushed forward again. Taking his time, he caressed her tenderly and her body welcomed him with a rush of overwhelming pleasure.

  As he added another finger, she felt his erection pressing hard into her spine. Gripping the edge of the mattress, she surrendered to sensation, loving how her walls stretched to accommodate the width of his fingers and her muscles clenched.

  Finding her clit with his thumb, he gently flicked the swollen bundle of nerves as he hooked his fingers inside her. Hollie gasped as she spasmed around him and Torque muffled a groan into her shoulder as he continued to stroke and rub.

  “Need you now.” Hollie managed to gasp out the words on a wave of approaching orgasm.

  The bed dipped as he moved away and her body adjusted to the sudden cold. She heard him rummage in his clothing and the sound of foil ripping. Then he returned and his warmth was tight up against her again.

  Tilting her hips to meet him, he slid into her from behind. Hollie bit her lip at the feeling of raw power filling her slowly, inch by inch. Torque’s teeth were sharp on her shoulder; then they both remained still for a few moments, relishing the perfect connection. His hands reached down, stroking her thighs, making her skin tingle in the wake of his touch.

  “You’re so...” She gasped as he pulled out and slid in again. “Torque!”

  “Ah, Hollie. Nothing sounds as good as hearing you say my name when I’m inside you.”

  She felt his teeth against her earlobe. Then he groaned as he started to pump.

  Each time, when he slid in, it felt like he was impossibly deep. Hollie thrust back against him, and he groaned with every thrust.

  Torque kept his movements slow and luxurious, his hands kneading her breasts and teasing her nipples. Even though she begged him to hurry, he continued to move with deep, lazy strokes. Every now and then, he pressed his lips to her ear and whispered dark, carnal words that stoked her passion to a fever pitch. Hollie’s whole body wa
s quivering as he kept her poised on the edge of climax, her senses filled with Torque and this magical, erotic moment.

  She reached a hand behind her, raking her fingernails over his sensitive flesh and cupping him in the palm of her hand.

  “Oh.” His head dropped onto her shoulder. “Oh, Hollie. Just like that...”

  He held her hips harder, pulling her tighter to him and thrusting faster now. Hollie arched into him, crying out and squeezing her eyes shut. He was so big, strong and virile. Every stroke pushed her to limits she’d never known existed. She felt her release building like a gathering storm. Her cries were coming in time with his groans, the slick sounds of their bodies moving together filling the room. She clung to the mattress, matching his movements.

  “So close.” He hissed out the words. His hips jerked wildly as his whole body shuddered and one hand tightened in her hair.

  Her breathing hitched as she felt it begin. A moan started somewhere in the region of her curling toes and then she was crying out, her whole body juddering. Torque was still thrusting, but she could tell from the tensing of his muscles that he was close, too. She bit her knuckles, riding the waves of pleasure washing over her as she felt Torque stiffen and heard him groan. His fingers dug into her hip while he rode it out, his grunts matching her panting breaths. He wrapped his arms around her, pulling her up to his body as she trembled in his embrace.

  After several long minutes, when the room was quiet except for the sounds of their sighs, Torque rolled over, taking Hollie with him.

  “At first I thought the Fates were mad to throw us together. I thought they must have got it wrong, that nothing good could ever come of this. How could a dragon and a human be together?” His voice was quiet and reflective as he ran a hand down the length of her hair. “Now I’m starting to wonder if the Fates knew what they were doing, after all.”

  “What do you mean?”

  “There’s a fight ahead, and before I met you, I didn’t have the strength or the heart for it. We don’t know who the enemy is yet. But whether it’s Teine, or some other faceless evildoer, there’s one thing I do know...” He smiled down at her, the glow in his eyes warmer than the heat from the stove. “With you at my side, they don’t stand a chance against the last of the Cumhachdach.”